Mission Trip 7/1/2022 Madisonville, Kentucky

    And todays weather report: another sunny day, a light breeze, and a high of 90, so a good day to be outside, in the shade that is. Good thing is we had a half day today because the group from North Carolina wanted to leave today to start the holiday weekend. And with the departure of Elvis and Carrie today, team Bob had to move to the house (also in Dawson Springs) that team Elvis was working on, which is located on Frederick Street, so they picked up a few new people. But when we got to the worksite, we found out that the blueprints had been taken back to the Fuller Center, so we had Supervisor Scott run and grab them since we had no idea where exactly the walls went. Scott also brought with him a new load of lumber for the day. He even stayed around until the end of our shift to help us. Nailgun queen Heather has become quite adept at nailing the frame boards together, and she even seems to enjoy it.  Davis was on the power say, and Geoff and Bob kept us on track.  Lorene was helping us, but she and Rick had to leave as soon as we finished to head home.   Thanks guys!  We were more than happy to come back to the church for our daily showers.  By the way, while on the trip home, we stopped at the veterinarian to check up on Geoff's new dog. Oh, did I forget to mention Geoff's dog? On their way to the worksite yesterday, team Elvis happened upon a seemingly lost dog in the middle of the road. Well of course somebody had to rescue it, so Geoff took it upon himself to try to find the owner by asking the nearby neighbors if they knew whose dog it could be. However, the dog did not seem to have an owner. So Geoff dropped it off at a local vet to stay overnight and to get all the necessary shots that it might have needed. As of today, nobody has tried to claim the dog, so tomorrow we will drive home with the new dog in tow. Names suggested for the beagle dog are Buddy, Dawson, Kent, and Tucker.

    Meanwhile, team Carmen had a frustrating day. In the middle of the workday, Scott came and took the saws back to the Fuller Center, so they weren't able to finish the wall for the foundation. But like we discussed during the evening devotions, Carmen and his team should be happy with all they did get done this week, and not be upset about what they could not get done.  Great Job Guys!!  Since Rick had to leave early so he and Lorene could start on their trip back home, Mel dropped him off at the church before Carmen was able to leave.  On the way back she recorded a video of some of the damage around the area of the farm where team Carmen had been working.  Her comments really touched my heart.

    The rest of the day, we had some fun. As per tradition, we had a meal out with the whole crew, but it was for lunch instead of dinner. We all went to the Country Cupboard, a local eatery with fine buffet style food. I should mention that last night when Zach and Kate from the Fuller Center stopped by to meet us, they brought over more red t-shirts with the fancy tornado logo on the back. Mary Rea and I received our red t shirts when we worked on the shed Monday, but I was almost hesitant to wear it until everybody had one to wear to the Country Cupboard. The food was very delicious and our server was most gracious. And now for a God wink moment. A group of ladies was playing cards at the tables adjacent to ours, in the adjoining dining space. Carmen struck up a conversation with the ladies (it must have been the red t-shirt that caught their eye,) and one of them spoke up and said that she was from Pennsylvania as well. In Fact, she lives near Butler, and is a big Steelers and Penguins fan. Now what are the chances of that?  Obviously it was just another quirky sign from God. 

    After a quick change of riding vans we then headed off to our fun destinations.  Many wanted to go to Pennyrile State Forest Park, where one could swim in the lake, wade in the water, or even kayak.  Clark and Sue decided to take a hike in the woods for a little quiet time. 

    While enjoying ourselves and trying to relax, members of our team spotted a lady in distress.  She was using a knee scooter to try and go down a rough and graveled drive to get to the picnic shelter.  But she was not having an easy time.  So somebody in another car offered her the use of a wheelchair.  And members of our mission team were able to help her by pulling the wheelchair backwards down the hill and up to a table under the shelter.  God gave us another moment to shine and show his love.

     As we were ready to leave around 5:30 PM we picked up a lost hiker who was very tired and thirsty.  He just wanted to be dropped off at the nearest gas station, but being such faithful Christians we insisted he come back to the church with us and join us in eating the leftovers from the week that we had for tonight's dinner.  And of course he also participated in the evening devotions led by Carmen.  Then we let him help write this blog.  What God-blessed followers of Jesus we are.  By the way, Heather and Kyle went to a coin shop this afternoon.  

    TGIFN.  It means Thank God I'm Forgiven.  Speaking of Carmen's devotions, we read and reflected on Psalm 131 and Mark 45-52, where Jesus heals a blind man beside the road. We must learn to be humble, and be content with who you are and what you have accomplished.  Jesus humbled Himself by becoming a man and showing mercy on us.  And not ignoring those in need, just like our mission team came all the way here to Kentucky to help strangers in their time of need.  Tori and Jeremy were willing to speak up and add to the discussion.

    Now let me on behalf of everyone say thanks to First Presbyterian for being such a gracious host church.  Your hospitality made our stay more pleasurable.  Your church is very beautiful and the facilities more than adequate.  And thanks for all the ice cream!!  Thanks to y'all back home that have been thinking and praying for us, we felt the prescence of the Holy Spirit blessing us every day.

   Carrie that had to leave yesterday sent us an emotional text expressing her gratitude at being able to be a part of our team this year.  Bless you Carrie! 

    And thank you Tori for helping Carmen and I with our laundry this evening.

    This has been the 4th mission trip that I have been on with Rev. Peter, and each time I have enjoyed being part of something much bigger than myself.  But also each mission trip has been unique.  Sometimes you get to work with people you know from previous trips or even your own church.  But there are always the new people that you soon call friends.  The work you do may be something completely foreign to you, but hopefully you soon can do at least a few things by yourself.  The host church is different as is the town you work in.  At least the weather is usually hot and sunny.   But there are always people that need us, and we should always be willing to share our experiences here so that others may be inspired to do the same.  I'm already anxious to start thinking about next year's mission trip.  God willing many of us may be able to go again.  It has been a real blessing to get to know y'all and see you work so hard at loving others.  

    Signing off for the last time, Goodnight and God Bless, your bloggers Kyle and Clark.


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